Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Power Bottom Appreciation Day!

One of our very favorite Power Bottoms (you know who you are! As do many, many Fagats readers!) forwarded us this blog post. It commemorates a day we should all recognize, honoring a group of gays that we here at Fagats hold very dear to our hearts.
It's the one day of the year that we recognize those power bottoms who continue to astonish us with their mad skillz. This is not to be confused with Bubble Butt Bonanza Day, which occurs on the last Friday of April. In case you've been living under a rock, a power bottom is a man who enthusiastically takes it up the butt. He enjoys it, never winces, is an aggressive participant, and usually begs for more. They are a treasure and must be showered with admiration. Take the poll at the bottom (har, har) to let us know what you enjoy the most. PBs set themselves apart from lazy bottoms (yawn), dirty bottoms (ew), and tops masquerading as bottoms (stop, it hurts).
Oh, Power Bottoms. Where would we be without you? In an uncomfortable position, that's where.


TLTLTLTL said...
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Anonymous said...

And no one even invited me to beige!

Miguel said...

I am a TOTAL POWER BOTTOM. I have hones my skills with assistance of come wonderful TOPs. Every great POWER BOTTOM deserves fantastic DRILL MASTER TOP. I also host a blog of the joys of being I POWER BOTTOM: powerbottomforum.blogspot.com

Please come by tops and bottoms an share your stories.
