Why You're Single: (Time Out New York, Issue 593, February 8-14, 2007, $2.99)
1. Because you're desperate.
Their suggestion: Stop trying so hard and join Chelsea Piers to work on your body instead (we can't afford it). They also suggeset networking within your field, and offer the name of a lawyer's association that has events. We bet those are truly a blast.
Our plan: Wait at least four days to message someone back on friendster, and stop updating our profile every 30 minutes.
2. Because you're afraid of commitment.
Their suggestion: When you go on dates, go to events that have an end time so you don't feel trapped.
Our plan: Go on dates.
3. Because you love the sound of your voice.
Their suggestion: Take a class on interviewing techniques, or go to a quiet party.
Our plan: Never talk about college a cappella. Ever again. We mean it.
4. Because you only speak in catchphrases.
Their suggestion: Refuel the reference tank - stop watching The Big Lebowski and Monty Python and head to MOMA to watch film classics.
Our plan: Avoid quoting Kristin from Laguna. And also Tessa and Kyndra since NO ONE watched season 3.
5. Because you only like people who don't like you.
Their suggestion: Embrace your masochistic side by getting flogged up at Paddles S&M Club. (No, really, it says that). Or go to Cuddles Parties, "twice monthly events where pajama-clad adults get together and spoon." (No seriously, that was a direct quote).
Our plan: Avoid S&M Clubs and Cuddles Parties. Also, stop liking boys who don't like us.
6. Because you're secretly gay.
Their suggestion: Go to support groups and start being honest with yourself.
Our plan: Make appointment with Ted Haggard's therapists.
7. Because you work till all hours.
Their suggestion: Go to late night eateries and hit the 24 hour gym.
Our plan: Stop sitting in empty library basement and move to main floor. Baby steps, people, baby steps.
8. Because you're a short and skinny guy.
Their suggestion: Bulk up. Compensate with a great sense of style. Hone your sense of humor. Take dates to dark restaurants and bars.
Our plan: Eat more PB&J. Go shopping. Be funnier. Start going back to The Cock.
and finally, our favorite:
9. Because you blog about everything.
Their suggestion: Go to a blogger reading series at the What You See Is What You Get Talent Show to meet fellow bloggers. Or stop blogging.
Our plan: PEACE OUT SUCKERS! JK JK. We could never do that to the fan(s). Anyone up for this talent show?
Fishwatch, dont forget about our singles apt with a dance studio and a runway
Apparently no one told you that people with candles have replaced people with cats as the new sad thing.
There's a "pussy" joke in here somewhere, but I just don't feel like finding it.
omg I was laughing the whole way thru, thanks for the help my "awesome" plan for a valintines date just went up in smoke and I was feeling sorry for myself
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