Monday, May 29, 2006

Hatred Causes Wrinkles. But Then Again, So Does Smiling. Hm.

We feel the need to coin another term here at Fagats. The phrase for today is: "Irrational Gay Hatred."

Irrational Gay Hatred, or IGH, is a phenomenon that has been around for years. It's when two gay men dislike, or even loathe, one another, for no logical reason. The gays will bristle when in one another's company, but will of course act very pleasant on the surface and exchange a lot of air kisses. They will dispense catty gossip about one another, and exchange passive aggressive remarks, but when asked will say "What are you talking about? I think whatsisname is great. I just love his enthusiasm when he tries to pull off horizontal stripes!"

IGH is similar to when two women meet one another and inexplicably share an immediate hatred. Have you ever noticed that? Isn't it weird? Well, we do it too.

Possible roots of Irrational Gay Hatred can be a shared fag hag, shared an ex-boyfriend, or even a common group of friends. It rarely occurs between gays who know one another well; it's usually relegated to gays who have only met a few times. We begin by marking our territory ("Oh, how do you know my friend Mike?"), then we quietly size one another up ("Oh, those Diesel sneaks are adorable. I totally noticed them on the sale rack at the store last time I was there!"). Finally, of course, comes the silent judging ("...").

When the two gays get to know one another, the sentiment usually passes. But as soon as we let down our guard with one twink, another one comes along. Just beware, because "Irrational Gay Hatred" can become "Irration Gay Hair-Pulling" quite easily. And nobody likes that.


Anonymous said...

I am hopelessly clueless, why is Hatred an 'F' in the acronym?

Anonymous said...

yeah...why isn't it IGH?

bigmouth said...

Because, like always, we wrote this post drunk. Gotta stop doing that...

Anonymous said...

drunk blogging is the new hotness.