Monday, February 19, 2007

We'll Be Interviewing At Some Law Firms While We're There Since They'll Probably Take Those Jobs Too Fairly Soon...

We are off to the land of our ancestors tonight for our cousin's monsoon wedding, which we are very excited about. However, our stomach has been anticipating the trip to the third world now for about 48 hours and has acted accordingly. We just went to CVS to pick up some pepto, a gallon of gatorade, and our antibiotics, where we found that our gastroenterologist left us the following note on said antibiotics label:
Take 1 tablet by mouth 3 times a day for 14 days, NO ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
(We actually counted the exclamation points, so no exaggeration there). As you can imagine, this news is problematic for a number of reasons. First, we are on a 14 hour non-stop flight tonight, and the thought of not drinking on it is perhaps more painful than the thought of spending 10 of those hours in the bathroom. Second, our uncle required every member of our family in the western hemisphere attending the wedding to pack two bottles of Johnnie Walker Black Label (which are tucked safely between our Saris), so the fact that we cannot enjoy the fruits of our illicit smuggling is especially unnerving. Third, "wedding" and "NO ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!!!!!" are not words/phrases that should ever be uttered together. Fourth, "family event" and "NO ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!!!!!" are not phrases that should ever be mentioned in the same breath or blog post. And finally, "14 days" and "NO ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!!!!!" just don't even belong in the same thought bubble.

We will try our best to observe the Indian gays and their way of life and report on what we find. Fagats reader JR has already tipped us off to some gay parties and persons, but seeing that there are 6 very heteronormative wedding events in the 6 days we are there, it might be difficult to tell our Dadima where we are going in a t-shirt small enough for our 12 year old girl cousin, but we'll do our best. We'll see if "gay night" and "NO ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!!!!!" are oxymora in Mumbai too, though we're pretty sure it's a universal concept.


Anonymous said...

do some internet research and check to see if alcohol consumption is really forbidden with the particular type of antibiotic you are taking. if it is, then just trade the stuff in for an alternative antibiotic while you are in india. cheap and plentiful. have fun, JR!!!

Anonymous said...

Overkill. You need to take malarial prophylaxis starting the week before and ending 4 weeks after (once weekly) but that is about it. Antidiarrhgeals only after the fact. You are being overmedicated. Which is worse than being overalcoholized :) Enjoy!

fishwatch said...

This anti-d stuff IS after the fact, trust us. Also, we know no other way of going through life than overmedicated.