Friday, November 18, 2005

And Suddenly, On The Girls' Side Of Camp, "Box Lunch" Took On A Whole New Meaning

We, like so many other responsible young gays, talk about how we want to be parents some day. We’d be great parents, we think. But it’s the little day to day challenges you can’t predict – like the one outlined in this Houston Voice article – that make us worried. Take lesbo mom Paige Parvin’s conversation with her 7 year-old son, for example:

“Well,” he said casually, “there’s this girl at camp who wants to marry me, and she said she was going to kiss me, but I told her I didn’t want to do that because I’m going to get gay with Robbie.”
I froze, suddenly alert. Robbie was a friend he had met at camp only that week. Careful to keep my tone neutral, I said, “Really? Did you tell Robbie that?”
“Yeah. He said he’d think about it,” he answered.


The column raises all sorts of questions we never thought about, like should children of gay parents watch what they say in anticipation of the homophobia of others? Should children of gay parents assume that they are homosexual before they hit puberty, as pre-adolescent children of straight parents assume they are heterosexual? Can young kids learn tolerance on the playground, regardless of what they learn in the home?

And more importantly, can we get this kid’s number and learn some of his moves?

Because the last time we tried to pick up a seven year-old, it didn’t go that well at ALL.

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