Monday, November 07, 2005

Banner Headline: Minorities Have More Trouble Getting Cabs, Oscar Roles

In painfully recent history, the Wall Street Journal has been trying to appeal to hip twentysomething readers with a regular feature by thirtysomething writer Adelle Waldman. This week's service journalism topic? Why it's sometimes hard to be out in the workplace:

The problem there, says Kate Wendleton, president of The Five O'Clock Club, a career coaching firm in New York, is that your co-workers probably already suspect anyway, and by going to great lengths to hide your sexuality, you might actually be drawing more attention to it. Ms. Wendleton suggests that young people neither hide nor make an announcement about their sexuality, but strive to be as casual and blasé about it as a straight person -- mentioning in passing, for example, that you're going on a vacation with your partner, without making a big deal about it.

Next week in the WSJ: If You Brush Your Hair Forward A Little At The Temples And Then Spike It Up In The Front, Maybe No One Will Notice Your Receding Hairline.

We checked back to see some recent articles by Adelle "two-steps-behind-and-a-dollar-retarded" Waldman, and it was just as we expected. Highlights included:

The Risky Business of Office Romance
When a Small Town Beats the Big City
Grappling With Divorce
Ranking a Job by the 'Coolness Factor'

Hey Adele, Jenny 8. called. She wants her unholy soul back.

And also her Bedazzler. Those things are so the new Lite Brite!

1 comment:

Frank said...

Lite Brites! I (well, my sister) had one of them in the mists of time. I wonder if they still make them...