Wednesday, January 03, 2007

That's Right, REMIND Everyone Why They Hate You For The Holidays.

A faithful and sexy Fagats reader sends in this interesting update. His family received an annual Christmas card from New York Court of Appeals Judge Bob Smith. You may remember him for writing the convoluted and nonsensical court decision last year blocking equal marriage rights in New York.

This is the last sentence of his Christmas mailing:

"As many of you know, I got my fifteen minutes of fame this year, by writing an opinion holding that there is no constitutional right to same sex marriage in New York. Many of my friends and family weredispleased with this, and no doubt most of you are too, but be forgiving. It's Christmas, or it just was. We hope that yours was merry and your new year is the same. Bob"

Oh NO. Are Bob's Upper West Side friends turning against him? Was he not invited to the same table as everyone else this holiday season? Did he get left out of all the tradition and joy?

How inconvenient!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Bob; he only is supposed to decide if gay marriage is constitutional, not if it's the right thing to do. He only interprets the law, he doesn't make it.

That decision is up to the lawmakers who can change their minds whenever they want to. Just like us girls.

The power is in our vote and the legislators who we vote for are the ones who make the laws.

But still, I hope Judge Bob is sweating because of this decision, because it's a very badly written opinion.