We Imagine A Lot Of You Have To Work Today. We Imagine That Sucks.
You may have noticed a slight change in the layout of the Fagat Guide today. We are testing out some new ideas for the new year. We are aware, however, that not all change is good, so please let us know what you think.
I retract my catty comment, but must still insist on a re-think on the redesign. You deserve the chicest background possible. But the content is, as always, impeccably acerbic.
Love the design, hate the color scheme. It looks so... government office.
I didn't make the cut, apparently. Therefore, I will tell you the truth about the redesign. It's horrid.
I retract my catty comment, but must still insist on a re-think on the redesign. You deserve the chicest background possible. But the content is, as always, impeccably acerbic.
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